The Full Time Author And Book Promoter

If the title of this post caught your attention, you are either pursuing a full time career as a author or you are fast in the river of such. Within that river of desire and creativity is also the hopes for book sales which requires either paying for marketing and promotions or being a self promoting author. Authoring and publishing a book is a world in it's self. Now throw online marketing and book promotions into the mix and life gets both intense and challenging.

Many authors believe that after they publish their book that the author promotions and marketing will come easy. Yet if you spend some time at some author forums and groups interacting with other authors, you will find that many authors are struggling when it comes to book sales. In fact, a very large percentage are.

A question. Are you a author or a book promoter? Are you pursuing a career as a successful author or as a marketing expert? You see, there's a huge difference.

While it is good for a author to self promote and market his or her books, it is also wise to set aside a marketing budget and seek out a professional to help you market and promote your books.

Here are some sites of interest.

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