God’s Ultimate Authority - The Bible

Wise to the Word speaks boldly to readers the message of faith and the Good News of the Gospel! ~ CBM

Dr. Jerry Gibson and Kathy Johns speak to Christians, and non-believers alike, encouraging them to understand that the Bible is God’s ultimate authority upon our lives.  Presenting to readers the rich inheritance available in the Kingdom of God, this book focuses on key aspects of Christian living. 

The authors encourage readers to know the Word and to live the Word with key Biblical passages and Scripture emphasizing fundamental principles of the Christian lifestyle that bring blessings. Noting that the Bible is not a big book meant to sit collecting dust on a Coffee Table or book shelf, but is a practical book written by a loving Father who wants the best for His Children.

Offering God’s Word that is “right and true” further scriptural truths bring insight and shed light into human nature that encompass such basics as the Original Sin that make a well-balanced study-guide. With such chapters as: Absolute Authority, Clearly Christ’s, Freed by Faith, Be Baptized, Friends with Faith, Blessed by Obedience, and Prophecy Proven, the authors unveil the prophecy of Christ’s coming that is undeniable to those skeptics, doubting the absolute authority of God’s Word.

Additional teachings as: Love your neighbor as yourself, extending forgiveness, love your enemies, putting on the full armor of God make for an invigorating read that produces spiritual growth, encourages repentance and gives a keen understanding of why the Good News is good news! The authors also give readers an answer as to how the Word (the Bible) is living and active, thus affecting every aspect of life, into Eternity. 

Unveiling and revealing lies that might hinder individuals from believing in the Word and Christ, this read is recommended to those who “doubt” the Christian faith or doubt the Bible as God’s truth. The authors encourage Christians to take responsibility to “understand and articulate in whom, what and why we believe.

Wise to the Word
Dr. Jerry Gibson and Kathy Johns
Book Review by CBM 
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Highly recommended. This book is written with a high regard for the Bible as the ultimate authority, God’s revealed thoughts, given to us that must be cherished. You may get your copy of Wise to the Word at Amazon and in Kindle.

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